Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions for the Use of Online Services of the FullMarble Web Site
§ 1 General Terms and Conditions of Business
(1) FullMarble Web Site (operator) operates the online service FullMarble.com.
(2) Users can use FullMarble to find offers and inquiries for used, new and ex-display machinery and advertise offers and inquiries for used, new and exhibition machinery, Marble, Stone, Onyx, Quartzite, Granite and other Natural and/or Man-Made (artificial) Stone, Tools, Services, about these materials. Users involved in the marble and stone business in a commercial capacity can also be listed in the user/address database of the online service for machinery dealers.
(3) These General Terms and Conditions of Business (GTCB) govern the legal relationship between the operator and the users of the online service.
§ 2 Placement of advertisements
1. Object of the service
(1) Users (advertisers) can place ads and requests for used, new and exhibition material and machinery on Fullmarble.
(2) The operator reserves the right to process the listing information provided by the advertiser and to publish it on other platforms on the internet, like product comparison databases and similar sites. Consequently, parts of the advertisements are machine-translated into foreign languages insofar as the advertiser does not enter information in this language in the advertisement. Any liability of the operator for errors in translation and advertisements in foreign languages is excluded.
(3) The operator reserves the right to alter, add to or delete parts of the pages or the entire service without prior notice, as well as to temporarily or permanently discontinue publication.
(4) Contracts that are initiated as a result of an advertisement placed on FullMarble are established without the legal involvement of the operator.
2. Services provided by the operator
(1) The operator provides an input form for advertisements for offers and requests for used, new and exhibition machinery, activates the advertisements placed via the input-form, and makes them available on the internet for the period of time agreed with the advertiser. Advertisers can insert, add, modify, and delete their listings in the operator’s database on their own.
(2) Advertisements are activated daily unless otherwise agreed. The operator reserves the right to delay activation for technical or other reasons.
(3) The operator reserves the right to block advertisements from advertisers who violate provisions of these GTCB.
3. Obligations of the advertisers
(1) Every user who publishes an advertisement on FullMarble is responsible for the content of his or her ad and is liable for the accuracy of the information provided therein. The operator is not obligated to verify whether orders and advertisements infringe third-party rights.
(2) The advertiser is obligated to explicitly make known in the operator’s input form whether a new/exhibition machine and/or materials and tools and services is involved. New machines and exhibition machinery may not be listed in the group for used machinery.
(3) The content of the ad must be fully disclosed in the input form. The advertiser bears sole responsibility and liability for all information and content he or she supplies. The operator is not obligated to verify whether orders and advertisements infringe third-party rights.
(4) The advertiser agrees to provide truthful and lawful information. The advertiser indemnifies the operator against third-party claims of any kind attributable to the unlawfulness or untruthfulness of his or her advertisement or another breach of third party rights. This indemnification obligation also includes the assumption of the operator’s legal defense costs such as Court and attorney’s costs.
(5) The advertiser is obligated to solely furnish relevant technical data for the respective machines and/or materials and tools, and services. Specifying keywords or keyword lists is prohibited. Dummy values may not be used in fields intended to hold technical data.
(6) The advertiser is obligated to exclusively use authentic photos of machinery. The use of dummy images such as “photo to be inserted” or the use of corporate logos instead of photos of machinery is prohibited. Also prohibited is the use of catalog photos of a machine where copyright is owned by a third party.
(7) Only the respective machinery may be advertised in listings. The placement of references to other products, e.g. consumable materials or similar items, is prohibited. The advertiser bears sole liability for uploaded or linked videos, e.g. in particular to YouTube.
(8) The advertiser is obligated to provide his or her name and address when providing contact details.
(9) The advertiser is obligated to provide a valid email address and agrees to the use of this email address by the operator for the notification of inquiries regarding advertisements.
(10) When making offers for machinery and/or materials and tools, and services, only specific offers may be entered. General advertisements such as “all kinds of XY machines” may not be inserted. The operator will solely add offers for specific machinery and/or materials and tools, and services to the database, and only under the condition that a meaningful description is provided together with technical data for the relevant machines and/or materials and tools, and services.
(11) Only one advertisement can be placed for each machine and/or materials and tools, and services that are offered. Entering one and the same machine and/or materials and tools, and services in multiple (sub)categories is not allowed.
(12) Advertisements may not contain telephone numbers, fax numbers, domain names, or email addresses, except for the email address in the field provided for this purpose pursuant to the above paragraph (3). Failure to observe this stipulation will result in the deletion of the advertisement by the operator and the operator will not publish ads from the advertiser in the future.
(13) Advertisements are protected by a password chosen by the advertiser. It cannot be ruled out that this password will be acquired third parties who then alter or delete advertisements against the will of the advertiser. The operator’s liability is excluded in this respect.
(14) The advertiser undertakes to independently and immediately delete his or her offer or request from the database if the advertised machine and/or materials and tools, and services is no longer offered or wanted.
4. Removing and disabling advertisements
(1) The operator reserves the right to refuse, change, or delete advertisements without cause. The operator also reserves the right to permanently block individual advertisers from using the online service. The advertiser does not possess the right vis-a-vis the operator to publish advertisements.
(2) The advertiser alone is responsible for the expenses he or she incurs in connection with the insertion and maintenance of advertisements. This also applies if the operator alters, deletes, or rejects listings.
(3) The advertiser may delete his or her advertisement at any time by using the password he or she chose when registering.
5. Granting of usage rights
(1) The advertisers grant the FullMarble Web Platform as the operator of the online service FullMarble a non-exclusive, unlimited right to use and utilize the placed/uploaded advertisements (including the used photos and texts) within the scope of the present and future offer of the online service comprehensively, also with the aim of commercial marketing, with the placement/uploading of advertisements via the input form. The granting of rights includes in particular the possibility to integrate and use the contents within fee-based and free online services and websites as well as within the publicly accessible Internet, In particular, the advertiser grants the following non-exclusive rights, unrestricted in terms of time and location:
(a) The right to reproduce and disseminate such content and make it publicly available, i.e. the right to reproduce and publicly distribute or pass on the said content in an unrestricted manner, by any technical means, particularly through digital integration in the operator’s website.
(b) Editing rights, i.e. the right, under observance of the owner’s personal rights, to change and edit the said content or to commission a third party to do the same, particularly for the purposes of including a watermark in the content to be displayed on the operator’s website, translating the content, or changing the format to suit the website.
(2) The advertisers grant the FullMarble Web Platform with the submission of contents also the right to edit the submitted contents and to publish them on the Internet also on other platforms, e.g. in product comparison databases
(3) The advertisers grant the FullMarble Web Platform the right to pursue infringements by third parties on the advertisements posted/uploaded on FullMarble in their own name. The advertiser also assigns all claims for damages to the FullMarble Web Platform which the advertiser may have against third parties as a result of the fact that advertisements posted/uploaded on FullMarble are demonstrably taken over directly by FullMarble and used elsewhere on the Internet without the consent of the advertiser and/or the FullMarble Web Platform.
(4) The advertiser confirms that he/she is the owner of the transferred rights and that it is possible for him/her to effectively issue the aforementioned rights. The advertiser also confirms that such material is free from third-party rights that might hinder the issuance of the contractually stipulated rights.
6. Duration of the advertisements
(1) Advertisements will run for a duration of one to a maximum of twelve months, as determined by the advertiser.
(2) Listings are automatically deleted from the operator’s database after the expiration of the advertising period. That is completely uncoupled from the duration of the contract.
7. Costs
(1) The database search for offers and requests for machinery and/or materials and tools and services is free of charge and free of commission.
§ 3 User accounts
1. The object of the service
(1) The operator makes available an address and advertisement database on FullMarble which contains a directory for machinery and/or materials and tools, and services dealers in the form of a dealer catalog. Registration and the placement of advertisements are only possible for commercial entities. Consumers may not advertise on FullMarble.
(2) The advertiser’s registration and selection of an appropriate fee on FullMarble constitute a binding order. The operator may refuse to accept the order if it not feasible for technical reasons, is fully or partially prohibited by applicable law, or violates common principles.
2. Services provided by the operator
(1) The operator’s service consists of its provision of an input form for dealer profiles and advertisements for machinery and/or materials and tools, and services ads, the activation of the information provided via the input-form, as well as enabling access to the advertisements in the operator’s databases for the period of time agreed with the advertiser.
(2) Listings are activated twice a week unless otherwise agreed. The operator reserves the right to delay activation for technical or other reasons.
(3) In the event of violations of these GTCB by the advertiser, the operator reserves the right to block the user account and the advertiser’s associated data/advertisements.
3. Obligations of the advertisers
(1) Complete information must be provided for the user account on FullMarble on the order form. The advertiser is solely responsible and liable for all information and content he or she provides. The operator is not obliged to verify whether orders and advertisements infringe third-party rights.
(2) The advertiser agrees to provide truthful and lawful information. The advertiser indemnifies the operator against third-party claims of any kind attributable to the unlawfulness or untruthfulness of the advertisement or other breach of third party rights by the advertiser. This indemnification obligation also includes the assumption of the operator’s legal defense costs such as Court and attorney’s costs.
4. Removing and disabling user accounts and advertisements
(1) The operator reserves the right to reject, alter, or delete user accounts and listings on FullMarble without cause. The operator also reserves the right to permanently exclude individual advertisers from using the online service. In particular, registrations will be rejected, not activated, or deactivated if advertisers are competitors of FullMarble or otherwise harm the operator by their business practices. Where payments have already been made, these will be reimbursed pro-rata, as applicable.
(2) The advertiser alone is responsible for the expenses he or she incurs in connection with the insertion and maintenance of advertisements. This also applies if the operator alters, deletes, or rejects listings.
(3) Advertisers may make changes to the address they enter free of charge and at any time.
5. Contractual term and termination
(1) The contractual term is renewed by another term at current rates if the contract is not noted for cancellation 7 days before the expiry of the contractual term at FullMarble Web Platform, 10 Philpot Lane, EC3M 8AA, London, United Kingdom, by the advertiser or operator.
(2) Tariff adjustments will only ensue with the extension of a contract, but not within ongoing contract cycles. Tariff adjustments will be indicated in due time inside the User-Center.
(3) The right to extraordinary termination for cause remains unaffected.
(4) Notices of termination must be submitted in writing (e. g. letter, fax, email).
6. Terms of Payment
(1) The respectively current prices apply and may be seen at any time in our Prices.
(2) Payment for the advertisement is charged in advance for the agreed contractual period and is due for payment by the advertiser to the operator within 10 days after the invoice has been issued. In the event that the invoice amount is not fully and unconditionally received by the operator by the due date, the operator shall be entitled to block the advertiser’s advertisements as long as payment remains outstanding. The assertion of claims for damages and other claims by the operator against the advertiser remains unaffected.
(2) All prices are understood to exclude the respectively applicable statutory VAT.
§ 4 Liability
(1) The operator bears unlimited liability in the event that damage is caused by intent or gross negligence on the part of the operator. In the event of a slightly negligent breach of material obligations which endangers the contractual purpose, or a breach of obligations whose fulfillment makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place and on whose observance the user regularly trusts, the operator is liable only for the foreseeable, typical contractual damages. The operator shall not be liable for the slightly negligent breach of other obligations not mentioned in the foregoing provisions. With respect of commercial entities, the operator’s liability is fully excluded in the event of slightly negligent breaches of insignificant contractual obligations. The above limitations shall not apply to injury to life, limb, and health and to deficiencies fraudulently concealed by the operator. Potential liability under the Product Liability Act is not affected. Where the liability of the operator is excluded or limited by the above provisions, this also applies to the personal liability of employees, representatives, and agents of the operator.
(2) The operator is neither an agent, broker, or dealer, but rather solely makes available an advertising database for buyers and sellers.
(3) The operator does not warrant the timeliness, correctness, completeness, or quality of the information provided. The operator does not verify the content of the information published by users. The operator’s liability for the content of the information provided by users is excluded.
(4) The operator’s liability is excluded for damages arising from the fact that advertisements are not published or are published in shortened or falsified form.
(5) All information offerings are non-binding. The operator is not liable for errors or omissions and reserves the right to make changes to the online services without notice. The operator assumes no liability for the suitability of the product for sale or other purposes.
(6) The operator is not liable for errors in the transmission of inquiries.
(7) The operator is not liable for technical disruptions in the operation of the web pages of the online services. The operator in particular bears no liability in the event that information is not provided in an uninterrupted manner or is not free from errors.
(8) The operator is not liable for links whose creator is not the operator. The operator is not liable for contents on the websites of its official partner(s)/advertising partner(s). The operator is not a party to any legal relationships between users and partners/advertising partner(s).
§ 5 Intellectual property
(1) Claims by users to the intellectual property of the operator are excluded.
(2) The further processing and use of advertisements on the web pages of the online services of the operator in media of any kind by third parties require the prior written consent of the operator.
(3) The operator shall retain the copyright to graphics, audio documents and video clips, text, and other objects published and created by the operator. The reproduction of such objects in other electronic or printed publications is subject to the prior written consent of the operator.
(4) All brands and trademarks named on the operator’s online services and potentially protected by third parties are subject in full to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the rights of the respective copyright owners. The mere mention of a name does not imply that no third-party rights are affected.
§ 6 Place of performance
(1) In technical and legal respects, the services provided by the operator are carried out in London, United Kingdom. With respect to contractual, legal liability, and statutory claims linked to the place of performance, all other locations where the online services of the operator can be accessed are ignored.
(2) The operator does not warrant that the contents of the online services comply with the legal provisions of the country in which the data is accessible.
§ 7 Changes to the GTCB
(1) The General Terms and Conditions may be changed where necessary to accommodate developments that were unforeseeable at the conclusion of the contract and which FullMarble Web Platform has neither initiated nor is able to influence and the non-consideration of which would disrupt the balance of the contractual relationship in a not insignificant way and where, by doing so, the main regulations of the contractual relationship remain untouched. Main regulations are those relating to the type and scope of the contractually agreed-upon services and the duration including the regulations for termination. Furthermore, the General Terms and Conditions may be adapted insofar as this is necessary for the elimination of not negligible difficulties in the execution of the contract due to regulatory gaps arising after the conclusion of the contract. This may be the case, in particular, if the case law for the effectiveness of the stipulations of these General Terms and Conditions changes, if one or more stipulations of these General Terms and Conditions are declared ineffective by the case law, or if a legislative change leads to the ineffectiveness of one or more stipulations of these General Terms and Conditions.
(2) Changes to the General Terms and Conditions pursuant to clause 1 shall be communicated to the customer in writing at least six weeks before the intended effective date. When changes are not exclusively in the customer’s favor, the customer has the right to terminate the contract in writing (e.g. by post or e-mail) without adhering to a notice period up until the time the changes come into effect. The customer will be specifically informed of this in the change notification.
§ 8 Final provisions
(1) These GTCB and the legal relationships between the operator and user are exclusively subject to the law of the United Kingdom, to the exclusion of the CISG.
(2) For all disputes arising from or in connection with legal relationships between the operator and users and their handling, and in particular disputes arising from and in connection with these GTCB, the exclusive legal venue is London, United Kingdom.
(3) Oral ancillary agreements do not exist. Changes and additions to these GTCB and the legal relationships between the operator and user must be made in writing. This also applies to the modification, addition or revocation of the written-form clause itself.
(4) Should any of the provisions of these GTCB be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions in these GTCB remains unaffected. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes closest to the economic purpose of the invalid provision. The same applies to gaps or omissions in these GTCB.